Landlord Best Practices Overview

Two people outside of buildings facing each other and having a conversation 

This module is designed to help inform both landlords and tenants on the rights and responsibilities of landlords and property managers. Our hope is that this information provides both landlords and tenants the opportunity to see through each other's eyes, and therefore light the way for/provide possible solutions to issues landlords have expressed through interviews such as proper animal care within their units, commitment to the lease, and proper party etiquette. The overall goal of this module is to create clarification for both parties, landlord and tenants, thereby making the tenant and landlord relationship more cohesive and community-oriented.

Some issues voiced in the interviews include rent, maintenance, responsiveness, deposits, and dropping by unexpectedly.

Topics include:

  • Building community connections
  • Landlord rights
  • Best practices for deposits
  • Clear expectations of tenants and explanation of lease
  • Proper care of the property
  • Reasonable response to request for property repairs